Digital Innovation Zone (DIZ) together with the North-East Regional Innovative Molecular and Structural Imaging Cluster (IMAGO-MOL) and the North-East Regional Development Agency participate in the PRECISEU project together with 21 other partners from 12 regions and 10 member states of the EU, including Spain, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Sweden, the Netherlands, Greece, and an associated state, Ukraine.
The consortium includes regional authorities, clusters, a European research infrastructure consortium, global pharmaceutical companies and European digital innovation centres. The project is funded by the Horizon Europe program and is led by Biocat from Spain.
“We are proud to participate, together with the North East Regional Development Agency and the IMAGO-MOL Cluster, in the launch of one of the 5 European projects that offer support services and financing for deep tech startups, this time with an emphasis on personalized medicine . The North East region is truly a region of innovation, selected at European level, as we saw at the official launch of the PRECISEU project, at the headquarters of the Government of Catalonia in Barcelona, in the presence of over 25 partner organizations from Europe, representatives of the European Commission and Catalan officials.” – said Cristina Baghiu, the coordinator of the hub.
The PRECISEU project aims to connect Europe’s innovation ecosystems to effectively advance towards personalized healthcare. The project will transfer practices and solutions between regions and scale innovations in advanced therapeutics (ATMP) and health data across Europe. The project results will increase the efficiency of regional innovation ecosystems through collaboration and shared resources in strategic areas, facilitating the digital and sustainable transformation of health systems.
Project objectives include:
– Accelerating the adoption of personalized medicine (PM) at European level.
– Reducing fragmentation and inequalities across the EU.
– Supporting the implementation of deep-tech innovation in diverse ecosystems with different levels of innovation, assets, strategies and policies.
The launch event took place in Barcelona (Spain) on July 10 and 11, 2024 and DIZ will be represented by the hub coordinator Cristina Baghiu. During the 2 days, the participants had informative sessions, networking opportunities and social activities. The event hosted discussions on key topics such as the Regional Innovation Valleys (RIV) strategy and personalized medicine.
This project received funding from the European Union through grant agreement no. 101161301.
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”