Cookie policy

The Digital Innovation Zone website is owned by the Digital Innovation Zone Association – Digital Innovation Zone.


The Digital Innovation Zone website uses cookies. In the information presented on this page, you will find details about what cookies are, their purpose, and the implications for the user/visitor resulting from accepting cookies from the Digital Innovation Zone website. If you need additional information based on the information presented below, you can contact us at

Cookies are small files generally consisting of text and numbers that, when accessing a website, are saved in the browser used by the computer, phone, tablet, or any other device through which the site is accessed online. Each subsequent access to the site, the browser sends this file to the site’s server, thus allowing the identification of a returning visitor.

The cookies used on this site are both first-party and third-party cookies and allow us to understand the needs and requirements of the site’s users to improve their experience in using the site, obtaining the desired information more easily, and using the services offered by the Digital Innovation Zone website under the best conditions.

Depending on the duration of the cookie, they can be session cookies or permanent cookies. Session cookies have a temporary storage duration limited only to the session in which the visitor accesses the site. At the time of closing the session or browser, the session cookie’s validity is lost. Permanent cookies are stored on the user’s computer and are not deleted when the browsing session is closed. The Digital Innovation Zone website uses both session and permanent cookies.


Manage cookies.

The cookies on the Digital Innovation Zone website are used for analyzing the traffic and/or the performance of the monitored and accessed site by the visitor.

To analyze the traffic and performance of the Digital Innovation Zone website, we use analysis tools provided by Google – Analytics, WebMaster Tools, Hotjar, Sentry – tools that store information about the pages accessed, the duration of the visit to the site, the method/device used to access the site, the location – at the city level, etc. More information on how Google stores and uses this information can be found here.

Google Inc., the owner of the tools used for analyzing the traffic and performance of the Digital Innovation Zone website, is an ISO 27001 certified company in Information Management and Security – ISO 27001 Certification – Analytics Help.

The data collected through these tools is not transmitted outside the EU.

Browsers used to access the internet have integrated facilities for setting the information security level, including the possibility of accepting cookies. To use the facilities for setting the level of acceptance of cookies, it is usually necessary to access the “Options” section in the browser and the “Settings” category. Disabling the option to accept cookies may result in the inability to access some of the most important sites. Therefore, it is important to accept only cookies from trusted sites. At any time, you can delete cookies using the “Privacy” option in the “Settings” category.

Options to prevent online activity tracking are implemented today in various forms; one of the most widespread is the “Do Not Track” mechanism used by most internet browsers and search engines. The purpose of the “Do Not Track” mechanism is to provide users with the option to express their personal preferences regarding the tracking of their online activities and to communicate these preferences to each server or web application they interact with, allowing each accessed service either to adjust its practices according to the user’s preferences or to reach a separate agreement with the user that is convenient for both parties. It is worth noting that not all “Do Not Track” functionalities block cookies.

Users/visitors of the Digital Innovation Zone website benefit from all the rights provided by the personal data protection legislation, respectively:

    • The right to access personal data

    • The right to object

    • The right not to be subject to an individual decision

    • The right to rectification of data

    • The right to erasure of data

    • The right to restrict processing

    • The right to data portability

    • The right to address the courts and/or the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing.

The right to be informed refers to the obligation to provide you with accurate information regarding the processing of your data and how your personal data is used.

The right of access means you have the right to obtain from us a confirmation that we are processing or not processing your personal data, and if so, we provide access to these data as well as information on how they are processed.

The right to data portability means you can receive the personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, as well as transmit these data to another controller.

The right to object refers to the right to oppose the processing of personal data when it serves a public interest or our legitimate interest.

The right to rectification refers to the correction of inaccurate personal data without undue delay.

The right to erasure/right to be forgotten means you have the right to have your collected data erased without undue delay in any of the following situations: the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, the consent is withdrawn, the processing is opposed, the collection was illegal, the erasure is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or the collection was done in connection with offering information society services.

The right to restrict processing can be exercised if the accuracy of the data is contested for a period sufficient to verify the data, if the processing is illegal but you do not want the data deleted, just restricted, if we no longer need the personal data for processing but you request them for defending a right in court, or if you objected to the processing.

The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling.

Although cookies are stored in the internet user’s computer/device memory, they cannot access/read other information on that computer/device. Cookies are not viruses. They are just small text files; they are not compiled in code form and cannot be executed. Thus, they cannot self-copy, spread to other networks to perform actions, and cannot be used to spread viruses.

Cookies cannot search for information in the user’s computer/device, but they store personal information. These information are not generated by cookies but by the user when completing online forms, registering on certain websites, using electronic payment systems, etc.

Additional information can be found in the following documents and public information sources:

    • The Digital Innovation Zone website policy on personal data processing available here

    • UK Information Commissioner’s Office – “Guidance on the rule of use of cookies and similar technologies” May 2012

    • Directive 2002/58/EC on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (PDF)

    • Directive 2009/136/EC amending Directive 2002/22/EC on universal service and users’ rights relating to electronic communications networks and services, Directive 2002/58/EC on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 on cooperation between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws (PDF)

    • Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector with subsequent amendments and completions

    • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

    • Article 29 Working Party Opinion 4/2012 on the exemption from the requirement to obtain consent for cookies, June 2012 (PDF)

    • World Wide Web Consortium Tracking Preferences Expression (DNT) W3C Working Draft 2 October 2012

    • Secure Cookies

    • Wikipedia – HTTP Cookie.


Anonymously aggregated statistical and analysis information helps us understand how you interact with the site when you visit and thus improve our services and content.