Discover our national partners!

The College of Doctors in Iași is a professional organization, without patrimonial purpose, with professional, administrative, professional and economic-social jurisdictional objectives, independent from the local and central state administration, from political parties, employers, etc.

The objective of the College of Doctors in Iasi is to provide guarantees for civil society and the state, in relation to the rigorous practice of the medical profession, at an irreproachable professional and moral level.

The Măgurele Science Park Association is the catalyst of the community formed around the Măgurele Science Park investment project. Our role is to create bridges and stimulate collaboration between research, business, public administration and NGOs. The MSP aims to increase regional entrepreneurship and facilitate the dissemination and use of research and innovation results in the market and society. For our team, sharing knowledge and creating connections are the main values that guide our daily work.

REGINNOVA, an association in the Romanian North-East Region, strives to catalyze innovation and growth in the textile and clothing sector. Their focus includes leveraging local creativity, sustainable resources, and tradition to build innovative value chains, transitioning from unsustainable models to profitability, encouraging youth engagement, and addressing social and environmental issues in the industry.

The mission of Vasile Alecsandri University in Bacău focuses on educational and research activities, addressing regional needs, and promoting collaborations with the academic, economic, and social environment, both nationally and internationally. The university prepares students in fundamental fields and offers undergraduate programs. Graduates’ further development is achieved through accredited master’s and doctoral programs. Additionally, the university provides postgraduate education, postdoctoral programs, and continuous professional training courses for adults.

The “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iași is the oldest institution of higher education in Romania, with a tradition of excellence and innovation in education and research since 1860. With over 25,000 students and more than 700 teaching staff, the university enjoys national and international prestige, with collaborations with over 500 foreign universities.

“Ștefan cel Mare” University (USV) in Suceava is an innovative and diversified public institution of higher education, offering academic programs in various fields. Known for its patents and inventions, USV actively contributes to regional development and cross-border relations between Romania, Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova since its founding in 1963.

Transilvania DIH is a DIGITAL INNOVATION HUB in Romania, coordinated by the Transylvania IT Cluster. It provides resources and support for the digital transformation of startups, SMEs, and local administrations. With the vision to enhance competitiveness through innovative technologies, TDIH aligns with European and global trends. The initiative started in 2017 and encompasses various clusters.

RELIANS is a leading consultancy company for reimbursable and non-reimbursable funded projects. Founded in 2000, it became part of the ROMCAPITAL Invest group in 2008, expanding its range of services. In 2014, it won the National Champion of Romania award in the Constantinus European Award competition and was nominated in the final of the European competition.

OFA UGIR aims to become the unified voice of businesswomen and contribute to the strengthening of the importance of women in the development of Romanian society. By supporting, developing, and promoting women entrepreneurs, OFA UGIR supports business initiatives that bring innovations to products and services, both at the national and European levels. The organization provides assistance and representation in all 42 counties of the country.

LACONSEIL Belgium started its activity in 2018, building upon a national initiative with over 25 years of European experience. The company possesses extensive expertise in entrepreneurship, including courses, business plan competitions, startup funding, and mentoring in line with the Berkeley-Haas Entrepreneurship Program. Through its office in Brussels, it provides connections with European institutions, access to EU events, and modern spaces for promoting projects at the European level.

We keep things simple but make them elegant and smart. We work with passion and enthusiasm and believe in genuine collaboration with our clients. Every project requires solid ideas, and our clients will find in us an inspired team capable of communicating and providing suitable solutions.

Fortech Products is a Venture Studio dedicated to innovation in the medical and manufacturing industries through digitization. The company develops, launches, and scales digital solutions and startups aimed at addressing critical issues by collaborating with industry experts or founders. To achieve this, it provides specialized technical teams in the industry, product development strategies and processes, expertise in management and business expansion, an entrepreneurial spirit, an extensive network of specialists, and funding opportunities for startup growth.

FIT EDIH is unique in the Central Region, Romania, supporting digital development. We aim for a Central Region where organizations understand and test digital technologies. We support SMEs, public institutions, and all stakeholders to decide whether to embrace the digital and innovative future. FIT European Digital Innovation Hub is the catalyst for the development of the innovation ecosystem in the Central Region, providing testing services and facilities.

Association FACTORY 4.0 – DIGITAL INNOVATION HUB is dedicated to promoting the principles of Industry 4.0 in Romania. Industry 4.0 focuses on intelligent products, processes, and systems, based on six principles: interoperability, information transparency, technical support, decentralized decision-making, cross-solutions, and modularity. These principles aim to enhance connectivity, efficiency, and adaptability in the contemporary industrial environment.

“In 2012, under Drag de Iași, the Drag de Iași Gala supported five talented young individuals. Today, the Fundația Comunitară Iași joins Drag de Iasi, bringing together NGOs, initiatives, ambassadors, and donors who share the same values: collaboration, generosity, equal access, innovation, involvement, diversity, responsibility, and transparency.

Continental este o companie de tehnologie cu o istorie impresionantă și o prezență globală în industria auto. Cu o tradiție de peste 150 de ani, Continental este cunoscută pentru dezvoltarea și furnizarea de soluții inovatoare pentru mobilitatea durabilă și conectată a persoanelor și a bunurilor lor. Acest articol explorează evoluția și impactul Continental în domeniul tehnologiilor auto, evidențiind angajamentul lor de a oferi soluții sigure, eficiente, inteligente și accesibile pentru vehicule, mașini, trafic și transport.

Consiliul Patronatelor ESG of Romania defends, represents, and promotes the interests of business people in the country and facilitates the development of its member companies. We work for effective social dialogue and the strengthening of a common voice, programs, and actions for all employers’ organizations. We build bridges for dialogue and collaboration between authorities and the business environment, as well as between our members and relevant organizations, with the aim of business and community development.

The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture Botoșani is a non-political, autonomous, and publicly beneficial organization. Its mission is to promote Romanian trade and industry, focusing on supporting private capital SMEs in their interactions with domestic authorities and foreign organizations. With enthusiasm and expertise, the Chamber serves the local business community by offering specialized information and technical assistance services.

Suceava Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the oldest and most representative employers’ organization in Suceava County, with over 30 years of experience. Founded in 1990 and part of the national chamber system, CCI Suceava is the only non-governmental organization of public utility, with autonomous character. Its strategy focuses on creating a stable, coherent, and conducive business environment for the development of the private sector, a real, sustainable market economy, and openness to the outside world.

It is an autonomous, non-governmental organization that supports the interests of the business community and, in particular, those of its members in dialogue with state institutions and international bodies.

The Iasi Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an autonomous, non-governmental, public utility organization, non-political, nonprofit, with legal personality, created to represent, defend, and support the interests of its members and the business community in relation to public authorities and organizations both nationally and internationally.

The Bacău Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the most important organization for Bacău entrepreneurs, recognized as the voice of the local business community. As a public utility organization, we facilitate the interface between companies and public authorities, continuously working towards the sustainable development of Bacău County.

The National Employment Agency implements policies and strategies on employment and vocational training, according to the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice. The main objectives include stimulating employment, helping young graduates in their transition to the labour market, preventing unemployment, promoting vocational training, protecting the unemployed and facilitating the free movement of workers within the EU and other countries.