Robots change the world. Are you ready?

The robotic revolution is here! #Robots can take on routine tasks and give people time for creative tasks that make them human.
If until recently we thought that robots only appear in SF movies, today we know for sure that they are an active part of the reality in which we live.
However, WHAT ARE ROBOTS, what is the truth about them and, especially, what is the real impact they bring?
Ana-Maria Stancu, our guest from webinar # 6, will give us a series of answers to many questions we flirt with:
• Beyond myths, how do robots complete the reality we live in?
• Are robots and software or hardware automation suitable for any business?
• Is it time and is it advantageous to automate now?
• What is the difference between industrial robots and service robots?
• How much do robots and their implementation cost?
• How can robots help you in the business you develop?
It will be a session full of useful insights for anyone who wants to learn more about ROBOTIC REVOLUTION!

@Ana-Maria Stancu, fondatoarea Bucharest Robots, primul startup de roboți umanoizi și roboți de servicii din România, singurul membru din Europa de Est care face parte din Board-ul rețelei europene de robotică civilă euRobotics.

Prepare questions and come and discuss them together on Thursday, May 7, at 17:00. Online.