We inform you that as part of the call  pachete de servicii expres dedicate IMM-urilor, pachetul de servicii expres dedicate clinicilor medicale was launched, a complete digitization program coordinated by Digital Innovation Zone and its technology partner Romsoft, together with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa from Iasi, Imago Mol Cluster and Iceberg Plus.

This package supports medical and dental clinics to improve the efficiency, security and accessibility of the services offered, through a completely free digitization program.

What does the package include?

The service package consists of four main components, each designed to cover the essential needs of medical clinics:

1. Cloud-based Software Solutions

– Clinics will benefit from free access for 12 months to state-of-the-art software solutions that cover the complete digitization of medical activities. These solutions include:

– Implementation of a complete digitization solution (100% Digital Clinic)

– Individual cloud-based modules tailored to the specific needs of each clinic, such as online appointments, telemedicine consultations and payment automation.

– All these solutions are provided by Romsoft, a leader in medical technology.

2. Cyber ​​Security Courses

– Clinic staff, up to a maximum of 5 employees, will have access to cyber security training courses offered by UMF. These courses are critical to protecting sensitive data and maintaining patient confidentiality.

3. Support for Accessing Funding

– Iceberg and the Imago Mol Cluster offer specialized support for identifying and accessing funding dedicated to digitization. This support includes IT technical specifications and guidance in identifying relevant funding calls.

4. Digital Maturity Assessments

– Clinics will benefit from three digital maturity assessments, in the form of a questionnaire, to determine the level of digitization and identify areas that require improvement.

Package value

The whole package is valued at 23,600 EURO, but it is offered free of charge to medical and dental clinics in the form of state aid for innovation and digitization by DIZ.

Application Process

Applying for this service package is simple and consists of three steps:

1. Completing the statements certifying the SME category;

2. Submission of online expression of interest and signed declarations;

3. Signing the contract.

Romsoft services catalog