Health Innovation Zone

HIZ by DIZ: The First Pre-Validation Program for Innovative Solutions in Healthcare

The first edition of the Health Innovation Zone 2023 has ended successfully

Welcome to
Health Innovation Zone!

Health Innovation Zone (HIZ) represented a unique program for the pre-validation of innovative solutions in healthcare, offering access to industry experts, mentors, testing facilities, and a fast track to the international ecosystem. It is organized by the Digital Innovation Zone, in collaboration with EIT Health, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, and “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi.

The program ran from June to December 2023 with the objectives closely aligned with the action plan of EIT Health and the goals of the EIT Health Drive project. It is designed to support start-up activities in the healthcare sector in regions with modest and moderate innovation capacity, according to the European Innovation Scoreboard.

Descarcă prezentare HIZ 2023

About the program

The program consisted in the selection of at least 10 teams with innovative solutions to be part of the pre-validation process, organized based on design thinking principles and frequent interaction with mentors and experts from the medical and tech fields. The selected participants receive pre-validation services, support, mentoring, and access to the EIT Health innovation ecosystem.

The program's objectives

Preparing the teams

The program harnessed the necessary skills for innovation in healthcare within the teams. It will also support them in the preliminary validation of the business model and solution, including access to testing platforms and experts.

Creating a healthcare innovation community

Generating a healthcare innovation community within the medical ecosystem of the North-East region, serving as a space for learning, sharing, and validation for medical technology start-ups.

Implementation of the Design Thinking methodology

The program followed a design thinking-based approach with monthly virtual check-ins with mentors and experts, along with specific activities conducted by participants.

Building strong connections

For validated start-ups, the next step is to connect with other ecosystems within EIT Health to expand and amplify their impact in the healthcare industry.

Developing a scalable support program

In the long term, the aim is to create a support program for healthcare innovation start-ups, serving as a production line for future healthcare technology solutions. These technological solutions will enter the Digital Innovation Zone ecosystem as potential suppliers for hospitals and medical institutions we collaborate with.

Program Themes

Applicants have signed up with a solution that falls under:


New models of healthcare service delivery with a focus on patient value and prevention.


Supporting digital transformation in healthcare in Europe, with an emphasis on the development and access to digital medical devices.


Fully harnessing the potential of medical data for innovation, supporting the implementation of the European Health Data Space.


Training and development of patients, citizens, and healthcare professionals to understand the importance and relevance of data sharing in informing and improving care protocols.


Below you can identify the stages that the 10 teams in the Health Innovation Zone will go through:

Registration of teams/individual participants.
June 23rd / Pitching Day
Meet the Mentors, Design Thinking* (User research / Empathy), Patient Empowerment, Intro prototyping and iterative design (technical landscape) ( Hibrid )
July- August / Field work
Design Thinking* (Problem definition / Ideation): Healthcare Communication, Value Proposition ( Hibrid )
September 11th - 23rd / Field Work
Design Thinking* (first iteration testing/evaluation - expert validation): Healthtech Business Model, Access to innovation ecosystem and partnerships, Industry success stories. ( Hibrid )
October 2nd - 7th / Field Work
Design Thinking* (intro in preliminary validation): Technical preliminary validation, Business preliminary validation, Healthcare preliminary validation . ( Hibrid )
Oct 16th - Nov 4th / Field Work
Thinking by design: Final validation (pitch priming + product demo), Access to funding. ( Hibrid )
December 4th - 9th / Demo Day
May 1st - June 22nd
In-person / FabLab / UMF in Aula. ( Iași )
July 3rd - 8th / Workshop 1
Field validation, Online meetings with mentors, Start prototyping & user research.
September 4th - 9th / Workshop 2
Individual and group mentoring sessions.
September 25th - 30th / Workshop 3
Individual and group mentoring sessions.
October 9th - 14th / Workshop 4
Individual and group mentoring sessions.
November 6th - 11th / Workshop 5
Each team had a five-minute pitch, followed by a three-minute Q&A session.

What it was like at Pitch Day

Pitch Day Health Innovation Zone @Launch Campus was an exciting and high-energy event that brought together 15 teams of young innovators in one place. The aim of the event was to select and integrate these teams into the Health Innovation Zone programme, a ground-breaking initiative to pre-validate innovative healthcare solutions.

Health Innovation Zone Teams

Discover the 12 Health Innovation Zone teams working hard to develop their innovative solutions for the healthcare industry. 

Prototyping Day

Demo Day

Ce beneficii poți
obține în urma participării

Programul constă într-o serie de workshop-uri și interacțiuni practice în perioada iulie – noiembrie 2023, alături de experți din industrie (domeniul medical și domeniul tech) și antreprenori cu experiență. Pe parcursul programului echipele vor fi susținute să își pre-valideze ideea și modelul de business și vor avea acces la facilități de testare, experimentare și la mentori, inclusiv din EIT Health Mentoring & Coaching Network.

Programul se va încheia cu un Demo Day în Decembrie, în fața unui panel de mentori și investitori.

Programul oferă:

Acces la instrumente, materiale și metodologii necesare în dezvoltarea abilitaților antreprenoriale și în dezvoltarea afacerii, specifice domeniului sănătății.

Feedback de la experți din industrie, din domeniu academic și al îngrijirii medicale.

Până la finalul programului, echipele vor dezvolta un set de livrabile care demonstrează pre-validarea soluției, care le vor fi utile pentru a putea aplica la programe de accelerare și pe care potențialii investitori le pot solicita.

Toate proiectele câștigătoare se vor bucura de vizibilitate și publicitate internațională prin canalele de comunicare ale EIT Health.

Proiectele pre-validate vor intra în catalogul de furnizori ai Digital Innovation Zone, putând fi propuse spre utilizare în instituțiile publice și private din domeniul medical din regiunea Nord-Est.

HIZ Articles


Our program was supported by a strong consortium composed of renowned institutions with extensive experience in innovation and medicine. Digital Innovation Zone is a leader in technological development, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi is well-known for its technical expertise, EIT Health is a reference in healthcare innovation, and “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi is a center of excellence in medical education and research.

See what it was like at
"Launch Campus Day"

Pitch Day was the highlight of the selection process for the Health Innovation Zone programme. The 15 teams of young innovators had the opportunity to present their ideas in front of a jury of experts in the field of health and entrepreneurship. The atmosphere was full of excitement and the teams demonstrated their passion and commitment to health innovation.

Faci parte dintr-o echipă*?

*Un singur membru va face o singură înscriere pentru întreaga echipă

Te rugăm asigură-te că ai introdus corect datele de înscriere.

Vrei să faci parte dintr-o echipă?

*Noi te ajutăm să-ți găsești locul în echipa potrivită.

Te rugăm asigură-te că ai introdus corect datele de înscriere.

Condiții de înscriere:

Soluțiile inovatoare trebuie să fie la un nivel care să permită o pre-validare a acestora, fie prin interviuri cu pacienți, experți medicali etc, prin pilotare la nivelul unor echipe medicale sau chiar prin pre-validarea în condiții de laborator și facilități de testare, puse la dispoziție de către organizațiile de cercetare partenere: Universitatea Tehnică Gheorghe Asachi Iași și Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Gr.T.Popa Iași.

Pentru a facilita formarea unor echipe complementare (domeniul medical & cel tehnic), încurajăm și aplicarea ca experți a participanților individuali, pe care îi vom ajuta să își găsească locul într-o echipă. În calitate de expert (în domeniul tech, business sau medical), vei fi înscris, la finalul programului, în Catalogul de experți ai Digital Innovation Zone și vei putea participa, alături de noi, la alte misiuni de inovare și digitalizare a Regiunii Nord-Est.

Health Innovation Zone Mentors

Ciprian Amaritei

PhD Interaction Design, Head of Design, Product Designer & Design Evangelist

Ion Gheorghe Petrovai

PhD Interaction Design, Head of Design, Product Designer & Design Evangelist

Cristina Baghiu

Digital Innovation Zone NGO President

Conf. Dr. Simona Caraiman

Vice-Rector for IT&C at Gheorghe Asachi​ Technical University of Iași

Ciprian Comșa

Associate Professor at The „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi

Robert Lupu

Associate Professor at Gheorghe Asachi​ Technical University of Iași

Alexandru Pleșoianu

Innovation & Tech Transfer

Florin Cardașim

Software engineering for cloud-enabled, data-driven organizations

Lidia Alexa

Lec. Univ. Dr. at Gheorghe Asachi​ Technical University of Iași

Lidia Bețoaea

Director Strategic and Head of One Stop Shop Office at North-East Regional Development Agency

Cătălina Luca

Medical Bioengineer/ Lect. Univ. Dr.

Călin Corcioava

Associate Professor, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” Iasi

Rafael Mastaleru

Frontend Developer at RomSoft

Valentin Iulian Țoc

Start-up Programs Manager at Rubik Hub

Health Innovation Zone
Medical Mentors

Ionuț Nistor - Conf.univ.dr

Spitalul Clinic “Dr. C. I. Parhon” Iași – Nefrologie

Radu Iliescu - conf.univ.dr.

Prorector Strategie Instituțională UMF Iași + Transcend, IRO

Adrian Covic - prof.univ.dr

Spitalul Clinic “Dr. C. I. Parhon” Iași – Nefrologie

Cristina Gavrilovici - prof.dr

Pediatrie, Homeopatie

Alexandru Burlacu - Conf.Univ.Dr

Spitalul Clinic “Dr. C. I. Parhon” Iași – Nefrologie

Simona Volovăț - Dr.

Medic Specialist Institutul Regional de Oncologie

Irina Draga Căruntu - prof. univ.Dr.

UMF Iași Histologie și anatomie patologică

Denisa Haba - prof.univ.dr

Departamentul de Radiologie și imagistică medicală – Spitalul Clinic de Urgență ”Prof. Dr. N. oblu” Iași

Delia Reurean-Pintiliei - Dr.

Spitalul Clinic “Dr. C. I. Parhon” Iași – Nefrologie

Mădălina Bostan - dr.

Cardiologie, Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare “Prof. Dr. George I.M. Georgescu” Iași

Cipriana Ștefănescu - prof. univ.Dr.

Medicina Nucleară Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgențe “Sf. Spiridon” Iași, Imago Mol – MedimagIA

Octavia Petrilă - dr

Radiologie imagistică, Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgențe “Sf. Spiridon” Iași

Mădălina Maxim - Dr.

Chirurgie generală, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţe ”Sf. Spiridon” Iaşi

Elena Popescu - dr.

Institutul de Psihiatrie „Socola” Iași

For mentors

If you want to mentor a visionary team eager to bring innovation to the healthcare industry…