The Digital Innovation Zone is part of the DIH World program

Digital Innovation Zone is part of the DIH World program from October 2022!

With the help of experts from the European network of digital innovation hubs, together with the local specialists of the Digital Innovation Zone, an entrepreneurial company from the fashion industry in the region, Katty Fashion, will develop a set of innovative virtual prototyping services.

For 6 months, the Digital Innovation Zone and Katty Fashion teams will test Smart Modeling technology and develop a digital database of prototypes used in the fashion and textile industry.

This technological experiment offers a sustainable alternative to the way in which the prototyping process for the creation of clothing products is traditionally carried out. It encourages the co-creation of new design models with customers and reduces almost to zero the consumption of resources (textile waste) related to this stage in the activity of fashion companies in the North East region.

The DIH World program aims to harmonize the services and support capacity of digital innovation hubs across Europe.

As organizations supporting the successful digital transformation of SMEs in their region, hubs active in the DIH World program have access to tailored tools, validated technologies, effective methodologies, training, funding sources and inspiration from experts across the Europe.

The objective of the program is to capitalize on the resources and facilities of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) network for the benefit of SMEs in the region.

Join the Digital Innovation Zone Hub, and together we will bring a change to the Northeast region of Romania!