Accelerating change: Digital transformation and innovation services for public institutions


List of final beneficiaries:

• Institute of Forensic Medicine Iasi;

• National Museum of Romanian Literature Iași;

• Iasi County Council;

• Hospital “Prof. Dr. Eduard Apetrei” Buhuși;

• “Dr. C. I. Parhon” Clinical Hospital Iasi;

• Suceava County Hospital;

• Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases “Prof. Dr. George I.M. Georgescu” Iasi;

• Clinical Hospital of Pneumophthisiology Iași;

• Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology Elena Doamna Iași;

• Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases St. Parascheva Iași.

Digital Innovation Zone launched the first call for access to fully subsidized services, intended for public institutions in the North-East Region.

DIZ will select 6 public institutions, with projects to digitize their business, with priority in health

Institutions will benefit, for 6 – 12 months, from support services for the digitalization of their activity or the integration of new technologies, from auditing digitalization needs, to technology demonstration and testing services, development of a solution concept or component product digital literacy, access to advanced digital skills or digital culture programs.

By launching this call, the Digital Innovation Zone aims to support public institutions in the health and production sectors in the digitization process.

Public institutions can access support and consulting services worth up to 100,000 euros in the form of subsidized services to accelerate the digitization process.

Digital Innovation Zone aims to become the trusted partner of public institutions by providing them with the necessary resources to increase the level of digital maturity.

Who can apply

Any public institution in the field of health or production in the North-East Region that meets the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Applicant’s Guide.

The documentation attached to the guide, namely annex 1, annex 2 and annex 3, is for information purposes and will be completed and signed by the legal representative at the time of contracting.

How can you apply?

The application consists of completing the Digital Evaluator Tool questionnaire together with at least 3 colleagues from your company (each person will complete the Digital Evaluator Tool individually) and completing the Expression of Interest online.
The expression of interest will be completed using the Apply to this call form (see above) to which the results of the Digital Evaluator Tool questionnaire will be attached in PDF format (4 results).

Important dates

The call is launched on January 22, 2024 and will be open until December 31, 2024. During this time, the DIZ team will be in constant contact with everyone who wants to know more information about the call, as well as answer any questions that may arise along the way.

Launching the selection call

JANUARY 22, 2024

Closing the selection call

DECEMBER 31, 2024

Conducting selection interviews:

Continuously throughout the application process.

Evaluation of applications (on a first-come-first-served basis)

JANUARY 22 – DECEMBER 31, 2024

Publishing results

Continue until JANUARY 5, 2025

Appeals and settlement

3 days after receiving the evaluation result, no later than JANUARY 8, 2025

Publishing the final beneficiaries list

Ongoing, as contracted, no later than JANUARY 10, 2025

Contracting Digital Innovation Zone Customers (Beneficiaries)

Ongoing until funds are exhausted, no later than JANUARY 10, 2025
Apply to call